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Patching GCC to build Actually Portable Executables

2023-07-13: I wrote a ~2000-line gcc patch to simplify building Actually Portable Executables with Cosmopolitan Libc. Now you can build popular software such as bash, curl, git, ninja, and even gcc itself, with Cosmopolitan Libc via the ./configure or cmake build system, without having to change source code, and the built executables should run on Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and Windows too1. You can download the binaries built using Github Actions here:

When Cosmopolitan Libc burst onto the scene with the Hacker News post about the redbean webserver in 2021, an immediate question was how existing C software would run on it. The best way to test a new libc is to build more code on top, and many codebases have been ported to use cosmo. The porting efforts have also helped fill out the libc API. However, a new libc must also fit in with how C software is conventionally built – things like ./configure and cmake – so that porting more software is easy. When pthreads became available last year, I said: porting is just a matter of convincing the build system. I believe my gcc patch is a big step towards seamlessly building a lot of software with Cosmopolitan Libc. This blog post will cover how the patch came to be.


Lua was the first programming language to be ported to Cosmopolitan Libc, followed by Wren, Janet, and Fabrice Bellard’s quickjs. There appeared to be a common change across the ports: switch statements with system values like SIGTERM or EINVAL had to be rewritten as if statements. 2021-03-24: I raised issue #134 on Github about this, and got the below answer from Justine Tunney:

Code that uses switch on system constants needs to be updated to use if statements. That’s unavoidable unfortunately. It’s the one major breakage we needed to make in terms of compatibility. The tradeoff is explained in the APE blog post […] C preprocessor macros relating to system interfaces need to be symbolic. This is barely an issue, except in cases like switch(errno){case EINVAL:} If we feel comfortable bending the rules […]

2022-09-05: After writing a bunch of ports, it was clear that the switch(errno) pattern is quite common, and porting software would be much faster if the rules could be bent automatically. I decided to try solving this, but let’s define what this is.

switch to if

Consider the below code snippet:

// somewhere within your code
switch (errno) {
    case EINVAL:
        printf("you got EINVAL\n");
        // fallthrough
    case ENOSYS:
        printf("you got ENOSYS\n");
        printf("unknown error\n");

The C standard2 says that case labels need to be compile-time constants. If EINVAL is not a compile-time constant, you would get an error like case label does not reduce to an integer constant when compiling this snippet with gcc. So you’d need to rewrite the switch statement into an if statement. My code rewrites switch statements like this:

// rewriting the switch to an if
{ // maintain scoping
    if(errno == EINVAL) goto caselabel_EINVAL;
    if(errno == EAFNOSUPPORT) goto caselabel_EAFNOSUPPORT;
    if(errno == ENOSYS) goto caselabel_ENOSYS;
    goto caselabel_default;
        printf("you got EINVAL\n");
        goto endofthis_switch; //  break
        // fallthrough
        printf("you got ENOSYS\n");
        goto endofthis_switch;
        printf("unknown error\n");
        goto endofthis_switch;

The above pattern might not be the most elegant3 but it handles all the examples I have seen across codebases.

struct initializations

While constructing test cases for switch statements that would have to be rewritten, I came across a related problem that also assumed compile-time constants – static or const struct initializations. The faulthandler module in CPython is a real-life example of this, but let’s look at the below snippet:

struct toy {
    int status;
    int value;

void func() {
    struct toy t1 = 
        {.status = EINVAL, .value = 25}; // ok
    const struct toy t2 = 
        {.status = EINVAL, .value = 25}; // error
    static struct toy t3 =
        {.status = EINVAL, .value = 25}; // error

const struct toy gt2 = 
    {.status = EINVAL, .value = 25}; // error
static struct toy gt3 =
    {.status = EINVAL, .value = 25}; // error

If EINVAL is not a compile-time constant, four of the initializations above are not valid4 in C. My fix was to dummy-initialize the structs and then add an if statement or an __attribute__((constructor)) to fill in the correct value(s) before they are used at runtime.

Outline of the problem

From the above two sections we have defined the problem space: certain switch statements and struct initializations may not compile, because they rely on system values being compile-time constants. Now:

I started off trying to automate these conversions using sed in a shell script. After a while, it was a python script with some extra regex work to handle switch fallthroughs. But neither of these worked completely because of the C preprocessor and ifdefs. It is difficult to perform the rewrite as a text substitution when you do not know which ifdefs would activate during compilation. Then, maybe I could perform the rewrite as an AST substitution – if the code was available as an AST (abstract syntax tree), performing a rewrite would be replacing one subtree with another. I could also avoid dealing with the C preprocessor…

Curiously exploring gcc plugins

gcc provides a plugin architecture via which you can access the AST of the code being compiled. You compile your code as a shared object, load it alongside gcc with the flag The gcc internals documentation provides detailed explanations as to when and how the plugin writers can interact with the compilation process, and there are some wonderful articles with examples of how you can write your own gcc plugins (perhaps I should write my own article with examples). For now, let’s just remember the following:

  1. gcc allows plugins to activate callbacks during plugin events:
enum plugin_event
  PLUGIN_START_PARSE_FUNCTION,  /* Called before parsing the body of a function. */
  PLUGIN_FINISH_PARSE_FUNCTION, /* After finishing parsing a function. */
  PLUGIN_FINISH_DECL,           /* After finishing parsing a declaration. */
  PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE,        /* Allows to see low level AST in C and C++ frontends.  */
  PLUGIN_INFO,                  /* Information about the plugin. */
  PLUGIN_INCLUDE_FILE,          /* Called when a file is #include-d */
  /* [removed some of the events] */
  PLUGIN_START_UNIT,            /* Called before processing a translation unit.  */
  PLUGIN_FINISH_UNIT,           /* Useful for summary processing.  */
  PLUGIN_FINISH                 /* Called before GCC exits.  */

The callback is provided some data from gcc (which may be a pointer to an AST, a string, or something else depending on the event), and a pointer to data that you might have initialized at startup. Since we need to manipulate the AST, the PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE, PLUGIN_FINISH_PARSE_FUNCTION, or PLUGIN_FINISH_DECL events seem viable.

  1. The AST provided by gcc is a tree structure, which takes a while to connect to the original C code, but is easy to read and manipulate afterwards. gcc provides a function called debug_tree that prints the AST. It’s probably the function you will use the most when developing a plugin. There are also convenient macros to access, say, the second arg of the ADD_EXPR or the name of the VAR_DECL.

  2. gcc provides a function walk_tree_without_duplicates(ast, your_callback, your_data) which walks through the entire AST in pre-order traversal and presents each node to your_callback to read, process, and modify.

2022-12-27: I set up a gcc plugin that would activate on PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE and walk through the AST looking for switch statements to rewrite. Simple enough, seemed like it would work, so I tried the below example:

switch(errval) {
    case 0:
    case SIGTERM:
        printf("you got a SIGTERM\n");
        printf("unknown error\n");


examples/ex1_modded.c: In function ‘exam_func’:
   error: case label does not reduce to an integer constant
   25 |     case SIGTERM:
      |     ^~~~

gcc is still raising an error due to the case label? Why does the plugin not activate? I check the AST with debug_tree, and case 0: was there:

   arg:0 <parm_decl errval>
   arg:1 <statement_list type <void_type void>
     stmt <case_label_expr type <void_type void>
         arg:0 <integer_cst constant 0> arg:2 <label_decl D.2390>>
     stmt <break_stmt type <void_type void>>

But case SIGTERM:?

     stmt <call_expr type <integer_type int>
         fn <addr_expr type <pointer_type>
             constant arg:0 <function_decl printf>>
         arg:0 <nop_expr type <pointer_type>
           arg:0 <addr_expr type <pointer_type>
             arg:0 <string_cst type <array_type>
                readonly constant static "you got a SIGTERM\012\000">>>
     stmt <break_stmt type <void_type void>>

There was no case label to rewrite! I checked my code and all of the build config for building the plugin, but I always got an invalid AST, and a switch statement without the (incorrect) case label that I wanted to rewrite.

After a while watching the errors repeat, I found out that the plugin can access the AST only after gcc had finished parsing the source file, and the case label validation happens during the parsing process. I can’t fix the switch case without knowing the value of the case label, and even then, the error raised by gcc earlier would still mean the compilation fails.

Was this the end?

Return of the C preprocessor

2023-03-14: PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE only received an AST after parsing, and but gcc gave me an invalid AST due to the switch statement. I needed to ensure a valid AST before I could rewrite it, and one way to interact with the code before parsing is … with the C preprocessor! Could I interact with the C preprocessor from within the plugin? Yes! The gcc plugin headers provide a structure called cpp_reader, within which you can define custom callbacks that activate when a macro is #define’d, #undef’d, and used! I still don’t understand exactly how cpp_reader works, but now there was another line of attack:

extern const int SIGTERM;
#define SYMBOLIC(X) X
static const int __tmpcosmo_SIGTERM = 3141592;

Let me repeat: a #define in Cosmopolitan Libc headers, a temporary static const in my custom header, a macro interception in the plugin, followed by an AST rewrite in the plugin. In terms of code outside the compiler:

// Cosmopolitan Libc provided
extern const int ENOSYS;
// for the plugin-macro-hack
static const int __tmpcosmo_ENOSYS = 1209372;
#define SYMBOLIC(ENOSYS) __tmpcosmo_ENOSYS

Then the plugin would latch on to the temporary constants, and perform the AST rewrites. It sounds ridiculous, but it worked. Within that week, I had a plugin that successfully worked around both the switch-case and the struct initialization errors, which I could verify with a bunch of simple examples. 2023-03-26: I got a minimal CPython 3.11 building with this macro hack. There were a few issues, but at this point the experiment had a decent chance of success, so I asked Justine if we could use this plugin when building software with Cosmopolitan Libc.

Why not just patch gcc?

The common theme in my discussion with Justine was: now that we know the problem can be solved, is there a simpler way to solve the problem? She suggested I not bother using plugin APIs, work on the GCC codebase itself, and simply change whatever I needed. I was initially hesitant5, but the edge cases and crashes with the macro-hack arrangement got wackier6 , due to lots of extra unnecessary work. Here’s an example:

extern const int ENOSYS;
/* for the plugin */
static const int __tmpcosmo_ENOSYS = 172389;
#define SYMBOLIC(ENOSYS) __tmpcosmo_ENOSYS

int foo() {
    switch(errno) {
        case ENOSYS:                        // necessary to rewrite
            int x = ENOSYS + 1;             // EXTRA WORK
            printf("ENOSYS = %d", ENOSYS);  // EXTRA WORK
            return x;                       // EXTRA WORK
            return 0;

The only error that gcc would raise without the plugin is the case ENOSYS, and the plugin can handle that. However, the macro substitution due to ACTUALLY(ENOSYS) meant that the plugin also had to handle every other (valid) use of ENOSYS, which could (hopefully) be avoided by patching gcc instead.

It took a while to figure out where to add my code into the gcc source tree, but the overall design of the plugin became simpler. Instead of -fplugin, the code was now activated with a compiler flag -fportcosmo. To my great relief, I could delete all my macro-related hacks. Now I could just intercept the parser error instead: right before gcc raised a case is not constant error, check if flag_portcosmo is active, and if yes, perform the necessary substitution. The AST rewriting code was a copy-paste from the plugin, and it was executed by gcc right before invoking other plugin callbacks.

Porting software with the patched gcc

2023-06-05: At this stage, the patched gcc was passing all the test cases I had written for the plugin earlier, and new binaries were added into the Cosmopolitan Libc monorepo. This allowed for compiling a lot more code, leading to fixes and improvements. Building lua was now straightforward, and I found out where g++ raised the case constant error so ninja could build. I wanted Python3.11 to have ncurses, so I tried building that next. ncurses had something interesting:

typedef struct {
    unsigned int val;
    const char name[BITNAMELEN];

#define DATA(name)        { name, { #name } }
#define DATA2(name,name2) { name, { #name2 } }

static const BITNAMES cflags[] =
#if !defined(CS5) || !defined(CS8)

Now PARENB and PARODD were extern const values in Cosmopolitan Libc, and my patch was fixing the struct initialization for DATA(PARENB) as expected, but it was getting stuck with:

// DATA2(PARODD | PARENB, PARODD) evaluates to
 {.val = PARODD | PARENB, .name = "PARODD"}, // unable to rewrite

The struct initialization for PARODD had a binary expression, instead of the usual constants, and my patch had no code to handle that. I thought about it for a while, and decided situations like this would occur frequently enough where it would be convenient to handle them automatically. I added a change allowing case labels and struct initializer elements in C7 to be arbitrary expressions, which means you can compile things like:

 // C does NOT allow this, but with -fportcosmo...
case (foo(SIGTERM) + bar(SIGTERM)):

struct toy t = 
    {.status = (foo(SIGTERM) + bar(ENOSYS)), value = 22};

With that, ncurses built without a complaint. Note that the C standard allows case labels to only be compile-time constants, and my patched compiler will still raise a warning when you do something like this, but otherwise…

./configure flags, run make and ... you got it! you f****** got it!

Closing Notes

2023-07-13: To port software to Cosmopolitan Libc, you just need to convince the build system. I mentioned this last year, and this gcc patch experiment was to reduce the amount of convincing you would need to do. One of the motivations for this experiment was to find an answer to the question “what is the minimum amount of source code that would need to change in order to port something to Cosmopolitan Libc?” I am glad to find out that the answer is less than ten lines in most cases, and could even be zero.

Of course, my patch isn’t perfect. It can’t handle some anonymous structs, enums, const ints, or amazing things like using SIGTERM as an array index within an initializer. Rare compiler crashes may still occur in some weird static initializations, or if you try stuffing SIGTERM into a static const int8_t. But I’ve spent a good chunk of time removing obvious counterexamples, and a lot of popular software builds seamlessly. A stringent testing setup will reveal more things to improve.

If you prefer, you can still rewrite the switch statements and struct initializers by hand, but for many cases the compiler can do it for you, and all that is necessary for a port is to specify the right flags to ./configure or cmake. If you can build your C software statically (bonus points if it builds with musl), there’s a decent chance it builds with Cosmopolitan Libc right now. Just try to build it! There are lots of possibilities.

  1. I haven’t tested running these executables on Windows, because I don’t currently have a computer running Windows. Let me know what happens if you run the Actually Portable versions of bash, curl, or git on Windows. ↩︎

  2. Check out Section of the C standard at this pdf. I believe a similar description of switch statements is provided for C11 and C17. ↩︎

  3. Indeed, “goto is considered harmful” but I offer the following counters: I believe the simplest automatic way to rewrite switch statements (with ifdefs and fallthroughs mixed in) is to use goto statements, because otherwise you have to do some algebra in the condition of the if statement. Also technically, I’m not telling you to write goto statements, I’m telling gcc to convert your switch case labels into the goto target labels they actually are. So in a way I’m ensuring that you have to write less goto statements overall. ↩︎

  4. Thus we have a difference between C/C++. As I found out recently while trying to patch g++, C++ does not seem to care that struct initializations have non-static constants: as far as I know, all of the initializations above are valid in C++ (as long as you have the order of members correct). Now constexpr though, that’s a totally different story. ↩︎

  5. Writing plugins is a good introduction into the gcc source; when debugging a plugin crash, I found it useful to read the implementations of functions that were declared in the gcc headers, eventually tracing the logic error back to my own code. The gcc source is C++, but I’d say it looks more like “C-with-templates”, which are my favorite parts of C++ anyway. Also, gcc doesn’t seem to use the C++ STL anywhere – they have their own internal vector/hash table implementations. Lots to learn: I finally got a nonzero understanding of traits after using them for a hash table in gcc↩︎

  6. I’d like to introduce a new term into gcc plugin development, called the “segfault deadlock”. A segfault deadlock is a situation where one alternates between segfaults from the compiler when compiling foo.c and segfaults from running the code generated by compiling foo.c↩︎

  7. I specifically excluded C++ here because my arbitary expression substitution does not play well with the constexpr stuff in g++11. I don’t get how g++11 does constexpr – I know where the code is, and I see some sort of recursive tree-walking happening, but I’m not as comfortable with it yet. Did you know g++11 attempts to constexpr the case values within a switch, and that it’s done differently compared to C? I didn’t, I thought switch statements would be parsed in the same way for C and C++. ↩︎